Allister: Power-sharing folly puts DUP at SF mercy

Jim Allister on the floor of the AssemblyJim Allister on the floor of the Assembly
Jim Allister on the floor of the Assembly
Jim Allister has said that whatever Edwin Poots does as DUP leader, the system in which he is working guarantees that Sinn Fein will be able to force its own agenda through.

Despite having said that the RHI debacle was the reason why it collapsed the government in 2017, it was widely reported that Sinn Fein essentially wanted an Irish language act as its price of allowing devolution to function.

TUV leader Mr Allister said: “The folly of a head over heels commitment to the absurd system of mandatory coalition, which Edwin Poots has long embraced, means he is in the hapless position of Sinn Fein being able to extract whatever price they choose to keep Stormont going...

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“Sinn Fein cares nothing for Stormont, good government or making Northern Ireland work, so, when Mr Poots makes retention of this failed system of government his overriding priority – even above destroying the Union-dismantling Protocol, then, it is an invitation to Connolly House to extract even more concessions. They are unlikely to pass up the opportunity.

“Hence, the latest demand that Mr Poots stands and delivers their Irish language demands.

“It is as humiliating to watch as it is confirming of the one-way process which this Stormont has become. What a pitiful place to which the DUP and their divisions has brought us.”

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